Lighting lighting and environmental style coordination

A good outdoor lighting design should accurately analyze and grasp the essence of the environment, and the choice of lighting methods should be integrated with the environment, so that the lighting planning becomes a part of the environment and helps to shape a distinct project style.

Lighting design is carried out according to various landscape characteristics of the environment, so that the style is unified and the design is reasonable. When designing outdoor lighting, the influence of various light elements on the nighttime environment should be fully considered, so that tourists can obtain good lighting effects and psychological feelings at any location.

The choice of lighting form and light source must be adapted to the style of the environment. The selection of lighting methods and lamp types should comprehensively consider factors such as landscape layout and architectural style. In addition, attention should also be paid to the appearance of lights during the day.

It can be said that whether the analysis and grasp of the project by the outdoor lighting design is correct and reasonable is directly related to the quality of the project lighting. Therefore, doing a good job in the outdoor lighting design is the key to creating a high-quality lighting project.

Post time: Sep-06-2022